Health A-Z


The movements we make every day are promoted by the muscles which, in a coordinated way, pull the bones that make up our skeleton and guide it in the right direction.

But did you know that the movement required of the skeleton would not happen if there were no joints between the bones?

Most joints allow each of us to perform a wide range of movements, thus ensuring that we can manipulate objects and perform a variety of movements, such as walking, sitting or running.

Joints are places of connection between two or more bones and can be classified according to the degree of mobility they provide:

  • Immobile or synarthroses (e.g. joints between the different bones of the skull): fibrous joints, located between two bones, characterised by being inflexible.
  • Semi-mobile or amphiarthrosis (e.g. hip joint and spinal column): flexible, cartilaginous joints that allow some movement, preventing excessive wear and tear and assisting the sliding of some bones over others in specific situations, such as labour. 
  • Mobile or diarthrosis (e.g. shoulder joint, knee and elbow): flexible joints, characterised by the presence of synovial bags, which contain the synovial fluid. This liquid contributes to the protection, nutrition and lubrication of the joint, facilitating its movements and allowing the cartilages to slide over each other without friction, and therefore without wear and tear. 

In Portugal, many of the reports of body pain are related to joint pain. There are several factors responsible for joint changes: (e.g. shoulder joint, knee and elbow): flexible joints, characterised by the presence of synovial bags, which contain the synovial fluid. This liquid contributes to the protection, nutrition and lubrication of the joint, facilitating its movements and allowing the cartilages to slide over each other without friction, and therefore without wear and tear.

  • Age: as we get older, synovial fluid decreases and cartilage becomes more and more worn down by natural friction, leading to stiffer and less flexible joints.
  • Overweight: greater joint wear caused by the extra weight to be borne.
  • Sports: in the case of intense, regular, high-impact sporting activity such as running, the joints are the body part most affected.
  • Overcharge: the joints are subject to greater wear and tear from the repetitive use of weights over time.

The first step, when talking about joint care, is a clear commitment to prevention. A healthy diet that allows weight control and the practice of physical activity not only contribute to maintaining healthy joints, but also help the body function well. Low-impact physical exercise, such as swimming or cycling, strengthens the muscles around the joint and reduces the pressure on the bones themselves. So as well as protecting the joints, it helps control excess weight, improve balance, motor coordination and muscle strength. 

However, due to the various demands of our daily lives, it is not always easy to eat healthily or to engage in physical activity. As such, food supplementation is increasingly becoming an important source so that our body can obtain the desired quantities of all the substances needed for good joint health. Currently on the market there are advanced formulas for joints and cartilage, with compositions rich in glucosamine, chondroitin, harpagophyte and methylsulfonylmethane, among other components, which promote an improvement in mobility and joint flexibility.

Caring for your joints is of great importance to your quality of life. Bet on prevention and strengthen your cartilage and joint health.

Look after yourself, look after your health and CHOOSE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE! For more information click here.



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  • Maintenance of joint and bone health
  • Prevention of cartilage degeneration
  • Recovery and prevention of sports injuries


30 Coated Tablets


  • Tiredness and lack of energy
  • Fatigue and muscle cramps
  • Maintenance of healthy bones and teeth
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Sports activities


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  • Pre-conception
  • Pregnancy
  • Nursing

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