Health A-Z


As the cold weather sets in, respiratory diseases become more prevalent during this seasonal phase. Cold temperatures rank among the foremost factors exacerbating chronic conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as acute pathologies like influenza, common colds, pneumonia, and, more recently, Covid-19. 

Most respiratory ailments are triggered by viruses, which, being sensitive to warmth, find conducive conditions in the low temperatures prevalent at this time. This is the reason why, in the case of a viral infection, the body raises its temperature above 37.5°C as a defense mechanism, leading to the onset of fever.

A multitude of acute respiratory diseases share common symptoms, causing diagnostic ambiguity for the typical conditions prevalent in the Autumn/Winter period. Is it influenza? A common cold? Or perhaps Covid-19? Explore the table below for a comparison of the similarities and differences in the symptomatology of each.

Treating each of these scenarios is contingent upon their evolution and associated complications, but typically involves the administration of medications for symptom relief, fluid consumption, and rest. 

In some instances, acute respiratory illnesses may advance into chronic diseases, warranting specialized attention. Considering their elevated occurrence, morbidity, and mortality, vaccination ought to be prioritized as a preventive measure, particularly in the case of the elderly and individuals with respiratory ailments or other chronic health conditions.

Additionally, it is crucial to note that most respiratory diseases are contagious, and while complete avoidance may not always be feasible, efforts can be directed towards mitigating risk factors and associated complications through preventive measures. These measures encompass more than respiratory etiquette or regular handwashing with soap or disinfectant gel. Simple practices, such as nasal breathing as opposed to mouth breathing (given the nasal function of air filtration and warming), adequate hydration, and a balanced diet incorporating ample vegetables and fruits, contribute to this endeavor.

Preventive measures are crucial for reducing the risk of contracting respiratory infections and their complications. The emphasis on prevention has never been more significant.


  • Vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system?
  • The intestinal flora (microbiota) regulates the overall immune response of the body, and therefore, the intake of probiotics is recommended?
  • Airway cleansing with saline solution is one of the measures that promotes respiratory health?

Look after yourself, look after your health and CHOOSE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE! For more information click here.

Anabela Claro

Imunavit Comprimidos


30 Coated Tablets


  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Complements treatment of respiratory tract diseases


20 Effervescent Tablets


  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Complements treatment of respiratory tract diseases

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